Quick Hits: It's All March? Always Has Been... 🌎👨‍🚀

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It’s All March?
Always Has Been

TL;DR: Sean Flignor writes his quick hits from President Biden with a new approach to the Middle East (sike), CPAC, and somebody dognapped Lady Gaga’s Frenchies??? What a friggin’ month, I mean year.

I have owed the New Media overlords a post for a few weeks now, so I decided to just empty my iPhone’s Notes section with all of the thoughts I’ve had for the last few weeks as we enter an entire Y E A R since March 2020.

Biden as a candidate: “There is “very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia.” 
Now: *crickets*

While the Biden administration would like their handling of COVID-19 to define their first 100 days, there are a couple of stories in particular from this week they would rather NOT be covered. First being President Biden’s decision to not punish or take any meaningful actions against the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia for the brutal 2018 murder of US-based journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. In 2018, Khashoggi, a known critic of the Saudi government and royal family, entered a Saudi consulate in Istanbul…and never left. It was later discovered that he was not just murdered in that consulate, but also DISMEMBERED when being disposed of by Saudi operatives.

Fast forward to this week, in which US intelligence has now confirmed that the assassination was ordered by The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, and oh my how leftist Twitter’s memory is fleeting. The Trump Administration’s handling and reaction to the Khashoggi murder was a popular line of attack by most Democrats, including then-candidate Biden. Back then, it was unspeakable that Trump would stand up and even defend The Crown Prince, let alone double down on Saudi Arabia as a partner in the region. However, I suppose that changes now that the President is Joe Biden. Most in the media and in Congress have been relatively silent in regard to The President declining to take any direct action against the crown prince. While it’s only been a little over a month since his inauguration, I believe this is only the beginning of the lame, weak double standard we are going to be seeing for the next four years…But wait, there’s more…

Throwwwwback! Biden Only Playing Familiar Chart-Topping Hits in The Middle East

COVID numbers are down, March Madness is starting up, and Taylor Swift is re-recording her pre-released album, and along with the passive reaction to the murder of a US journalist, we have a US missile strike in Syria. But it just “feels” different this time. Maybe it is different because it is our first air strike with a female person of color as Vice President. Just like the good old days of the Obama drone strike Era, the Biden drone strike Era began without congressional approval (as is tradition.)

Stunning and brave.

Stunning and brave.


While the Biden administration would like you to think we are renewing American leadership and exceptionalism across the globe, it really is, a retread of the same Middle East policy of the past decades. The left is painting this all as some new, renewed, fresh coat of paint approach to the Middle East that we all should be happy about. From Obama drone strikes to Trump airstrikes, Biden did not have to go far into his bag for this one. But if you ask the left… this is SO different, this administration is about unity and love, and at least there are nice tweets of affirmation, so I guess we should let this one slide. All of this reminds me of a quote from Best Picture award-winning movie Escape from LA, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

 It was CPAC last week… what else is there to say?

Ok maybe there is plenty to say about CPAC, from the (plastic) golden statue of Trump (why is he dressed like he’s at the beach btw?), MTG having massive lines to take a photo with her, Ted Cruz doing his best Howard Dean impression (1:35 in the video), and of course, Donald Trump’s much-awaited reemergence and continued peddling of doubts about the 2020 election… but there is something WAY more important I want to discuss.

BREAKING: Someone literally shot Lady Gaga’s dog walker and kidnapped her dogs!

Whether this was targeted specifically against Lady Gaga, or more of a random act of violence, we may never know. The headline is the same nonetheless, and it really is a headline to topmost 2020 headlines. Now while our Queen’s precious Frenchie Pups have been returned unharmed, the pain this has inflicted on our nation is still fresh… we must not forget that her dog walker GOT SHOT over some dogs. In all seriousness, I hope and pray he makes a full recovery, and cannot help but laugh at the clear celebrity stereotype of Lady Gaga offering half a million dollars for her dogs return, but nothing more than a single comment about her dog walker. Thank you, Hollywood priorities.

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